Kathy Halbreich

Curator and philanotrophy advisor
Kathy Halbreich was director of the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis as well as the first Associate Director at the Museum of Modern Art where she organized retrospectives on Sigmar Polke and Bruce Nauman. In May 2023, after more than five years, she stepped down as Executive Director of the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation and became its advisor for three large philanthropic initiatives begun during her tenure: the Artists Council which annually determines $600k in grants; a partnership between Clemente and the Latinx Arts Consortium of New York; and the Black and Indigenous Land Rights and Agriculture program. The Foundation promotes in-depth research into the artist's legacy, including academic studies, publications including a catalogue raisonne now in process, exhibitions, and archival residencies that open the Rauschenberg's career to wider interpretation. Its philanthropic activities primarily support small to midsize arts and socially engaged organizations.